Waves of Change

When I was younger and throughout adulthood, my father was in and out of the prison system. My parents divorced when I was young and when my mother left, we had nothing. At this time, I was 2yrs old - she relied upon God and the kindness of others to supply clothes for me. She was willing to sacrifice financial stability, as long as it meant protecting me, her son.

We were homeless for a short time before another single mother took us in and allowed us to live with her...without ever meeting either of us in person. We showed up with our belongings on our backs. It was a small 2 bedroom duplex - my mom moved into her bedroom, and I with her son. She gave up her privacy, and gained two strangers. We lived with them happily, until I turned 18...

You see, there is nothing more powerful than kindness through self-sacrifice. And luckily, I had people in my life who displayed that example.

To say it's "important" for our business to help others is an understatement. What good is the value of success, when one's neighbor is drowning in need? This is why we give back in small ways, and also why we include you in the process.

Below are children from Rwanda Africa who we sponsor, using revenues collected from your purchases. We pay for their schooling, books, and expenses to further improve their quality of life and chances of success. My team and I would like to personally thank you for supporting our brand as we continue to grow, and lend a helping hand to others along the way.

Genuinely, thank you.

Daniel CEO/Founder & Team Ocean

Meet Divina

Divina is a 17 year old from Rwanda, Africa. 

Organics Ocean now pays for her tuition and books.

Meet Janet

Janet is a 19 year old from Rwanda, Africa.

Organics Ocean now pays for her tuition and books.

Meet Abatesi

Abatesi, age 16, from Kigali, Africa.

She's really into playing tennis.

Meet Mahoro

She's 20, from Kigali, Africa.

Her favorite subject is English and she wants to become a teacher.

Meet Mugisha

He's 17, from Rubavu, Africa.

He's all about playing soccer and wants to learn how to fly.